Kitchen, bathroom, closets, pantries, attics, garages, sheds…you name it happy.healthy.home.organizes it, simply and with style.
Picture your new home completely unpacked and perfectly organized within a week of moving in. Our team is trained to efficiently unpack and find homes for all of your belongings, using your space to its fullest potential. This service includes shopping for any necessary organizing supplies, donating unwanted items, and removing all packing materials and boxes.
When you lose a loved one, there is often stress regarding what to do with all of the “stuff”. We will assist in sorting through sentimental items, organizing removal of unwanted items, and decluttering. This can include arranging for donation of furniture, rollaways for disposal, house cleaning, and/or yard clean-up.
Finding the perfect project for your home is only the beginning. Figuring out how to start and complete it can be a project itself. happy.healthy.home can do it for you.
We offer free phone assessments. In-home consultations are $75. All work is confidential and judgement-free. Learn more